We may be a little bias but we believe that we do. That’s right at To Do Designs we offer the best quality canvas prints. We use inkjet UV inks on a 100% cotton canvas which is stretched across a 38mm thick wooden frame and stapled at the back. This gives a gallery wrap effect and we believe it offers the best combination. The printing process can also be named as giclée. At To Do Designs we use a variety of digital files of artwork, paintings, photographs, or drawings which can be sent directly to us by post or email. We love a challenge and are here to help and give advice on getting you the best results. If you are local and live in Hull then we would love for you to pop down to Chanterlands Avenue and have a chat. We currently provide the best quality canvas prints to a number of photographers who all just trust our services to keep their customers happy with the best results.

Have your photo printed to Canvas

If you are unsure of the quality of canvas we produce then please get in touch and we can do you a small sample to show of our skills. We can also offer editing of images and design of any type we have a number of talented artist/designers ready to help (see to do team).

We have seen and compared many canvas printers before and strongly believe the quality and service of our canvas prints exceeds any we have seen. We are also really good value for money take a look at some of our price here.

Get in touch

We are a sociable bunch so do please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you solve your issues.
Please use the contact form below, leave a comment or visit this page here